Friday, March 27, 2009

K's first piggies!

I thought this day may never arrive BUT it's official, Kendra has enough hair for piggy tails. All it takes is 1 package of PEZ, a comb and a lot of hairspray. Isn't it cute? This calls for her 18 month old photo shoot. Kiddie Kandids here we come!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

You're Invited........ a MODBE party!!

When: Saturday, March 21st 2009 from NOON - 2PM
Where: the Wild Whitt's pad
Food: YES, lunch will be served (trying on swimwear beforehand is recommended)

If you're not sure how to get to Lynette's, please leave a comment with your email & I'll send you the address and directions.

Please bring all your friends, the more the merrier!

Our sister Melissa will also be there with her SNUGGLEBUG BOWTIQUE goodies. Made to match headbands and bows that you're sure to fall in LOVE with.
Food, Fun & Free Stuff!! Don't miss it!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Obviously this post is a little late, seems to be the trend around here......anyway, we had a great vALeNtinEs dAy!! We went to a Valentines party at the James's without Kendra (it's true) & she got to play with her cousins - it was wonderful!!

What could have possibly distracted these babies from the camera you ask?

The one & only......drum roll please........

As a new mother, there are some things that you learn to live with. This lovely purple dinosaur is a great example of that.