Kendra's first day of preschool was a huge success. She woke up, ran downstairs and yelled, "Daddy, it's Preschool Day!" She was in the best mood all morning. Ate her breakfast like a champ, got ready without whining, posed for some pictures and smiled the entire way to school. When we got there, she practically ran to the door. I helped get her settled and then gave her a love and told her she was gonna do great. For a brief second she got nervous about me leaving so Mrs. Clark took her by the hand and showed her some toys. She LOVES it and wants to go everyday!! Hopefully her attitude lasts all year:)
Yes, this is exactly what it looks like. What? You mean you've never painted a dead birds finger nails? Well, you must not have a Grandpa like Kendra's then:)
So the other day I'm making lunch for me and the little miss. I must have been singing or humming when Kendra politely asked me to please be quiet. Looking around, I asked her "why?" She says, "because this little girl is on the phone mom!"