Monday, December 20, 2010

The Shelley's Blog

It was so hard to decide which one to choose from my sister Rachel's blog but this one stuck out....probably because I've been the WORST sister lately. Anyway here are a few side notes about her FANTASTIC post:

Favorite Line: to share in all of the joys and miseries of life ...... that is what sisters are for.

Half Truth: They threw things at each other & even broke the possessions of another sister when they felt revenge was warranted. Rachel wouldn't let me hang my backpack on her bunk bed post so I took her musical ceramic clown (that she made) off my dresser and "carefully" as I could, in my altered state of mind, sat it down on the floor. It was not my fault that it broke but that we had industrial carpet with no pad in our bedroom, just sayin'.


The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I like it. I like it a lot. And the truth is, well, you are a FANTASTIC sister--a beautiful, loving, lay-my-life-down for you kind of sister :) Except for maybe when you destroyed the handcrafted, priceless clown. Bawahahaha

Rachel said...

Wow. I almost believe you, Crystal. You've actually stuck to that story for....years!!!! But I was there. You were M A D! In all fairness though, you were probably like five. :)

And I do love my sisters! Who really are fantastic!

Melissa said...

Girls.... girls.... can't we all just get along?? I love you all and miss you a little bit, too!