Friday, April 17, 2009

Stupid Cough

Yes, it's 2:13 am and I'm blogging. I've googled eveything on a dry hacking cough that I could find and feel quite educated on the subject. My diagnosis: a non-productive cough caused by a previous common cold. Apparently there is no cure, just home remedies that I've tried already. I'm exhausted & everytime I manage to fall back asleep she starts the coughing again and can't get it under control.

I've been frustrated with her today. She dumped a package of saltine crackers on the floor and then "accidently" stepped on every single one of them. She was whiney because she missed her nap (stupid cough) and wanted to be held all day. I was annoyed!

Then I logged onto my sister
Melissa's blog & there it was - my gentle reminder of how precious our babies are. For a breif moment there I had forgotton how sad I was when we couldn't seem to get pregnant. The prayers & the tears because she was missing from our lives. I would have done anything to get her here. I can't forget that. I think it's what I needed to be her mom, to learn patience and really appreciate the time I get with her. So glad I came to my senses.

It's now 3:05 am. Sleep is way overrated!


Melissa said...

And here it is, 4:51 a.m., and I have a hungry baby. It's a good thing these babies are so darn cute. And precious. And loved. Kiss that baby for me. Wish you were here... we could have had an all night party. Love you, sis.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Sleep is WAY overrated...I'd give it up for another baby, or better yet, you could send that cute red head my way. Love ya!

Utah Warriors said...

Hey Crystal,

Try rubbing baby vicks vapor rub on the bottoms of her feet and then put socks over her feet. This helps everytime with my boys. Putting a cool mist humidifier by her might help too. Nights like that are so hard, but you are right...they are precious gifts from heaven and such blessings that sleep is over rated. Good luck and let me know if you have any luck.

Nat Lud said...

We've dealt with that cough MANY a times here in the Ludlow neck of the woods. I've tried all the remedies-- spoonful of honey, vicks on feet, humidifier, step out in the cold--nothing works. It's just one of those fun things that make us grateful for the healthy times! ;) Hope she feels better soon. Sleep is overrated--but I'm still cranky without it!

Steph said...

Sleep is my biggest thing so I know how you feel. I'm such a mean mom when I'm sleep deprived. I just have to try my best to remember that I'd much rather live in a sleep deprived world with my 2 angels than in a rested world without them.

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

Thanks so much for the reminder. You daughter is so precious in this picture. I need to remember that about kids sometimes, too. They are such blessings to us.

Good luck w/ the cough. I think the worst thing about being a mom is watching your kids suffer and being helpless to make them feel better. Hope she starts feeling better soon.

Grandma 'D' said...

Wish I was there to hold and rock her, I really don't need that much sleep these days. And i thank Heavenly Father every day for nine precious little angels sent to this family. Hang in there!

Granny Annie said...

You are so blessed Crystal as you have expressed!...these little dears just grow up to fast and then you can't rock them! It made me think of my baby, only he was grown when he became so sick. I wouldn't want him back to suffer, but I would love to take care of him all over again, just for that time with him! I can't wait to see him again all well.
Cherish all the moments....they aren't all easy, but they are the best of our life's.
I count my blessings every single day! family... children and grandchildren are the greatest blessings of all. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday.
Love you all so much! Hope little Kendra gets feeling better and take pictures of the messes and record them for when she grows up.They make the best memories!