Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Elmo Slippers

Most of you know that Kendra is little bit obsessed over ELMO. Somehow we ended up with some slippers (thanks Steph) & Kendra thinks they're everyday shoes. I took them off before our trip to the mall & she had a complete tantrum. Nick ran up the stairs asking what I did to her & when I explained the situation he fixed everything. Like he always says, "it's not that big of deal" hence, SHE WON! She made quite the spectacle out of us but I got some shopping done which is always great.


Nat Lud said...

Oh those dads! Always swooping in to save the day. :) She looks adorable. Pretty sure she wins most of the time!

Crystal said...

Oh Kendra! she is one in a million--love the slippers, any pics of her in them at the mall?

where are you? Jair says your in WY, but your posts all say UT--I am so confused!!!

Granny Annie said...

Little Kendra...wore her Elmo Slippers to PaPa Swede's and Gamma's...she let us wear them for about 2 seconds! ( of course they only fit our toes)...then she wanted them back...Cutest little curly red head you ever did see! Her favorite when she comes to our house is "on Bed" and Gama's long string of pearls...oh!..we can't forget.."Cheese slice in a bowl"! And Candy! Well, I shouldn't quit here..she just loves to eat about anything she sees! Hope she comes to visit again soon!

Steph said...

YEsssss!!! I'm glad they didn't just waste away in Gauge's closet never getting to be loved.

Josi said...

You need to get a T-shirt made that says "I dress myself" and make her wear it in situations like this :-) I remember taking Madi to the store in dress ups--especially 'princess shoes' the fun thing is that all the other mom's just give you that knowing smile--they know exactly what's going on.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

When your that cute, you probably win ALL of the time :) Give her a squeeze for me.