Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Weekend Camping Trip

Friday 22nd - Pulled the trailer out to the mountains. Got in huge fight with hubby over stabilizer jacks.

Saturday 23rd - Played in the Alumni Volleyball tournament all day, SO SORE, drove out to camp, water pump not working, filter & kitchen faucet froze & cracked, fixed it (kinda), up all night with K, fever & no motrin, went back to Milford around midnight.

Sunday 24th - Drove out again! Played in the dirt, built a fort, ate a lot of junk, up all night with K, AGAIN!!

Monday 25th - Woke up sick, layed in the truck while Nick pretty much did everything, got home, took a shower, took a nap, ate some more junk, went to bed.

Tuesday 26th - Reflected on our camping trip, realized how much work it is, appreciated my mom & dad for taking us when we were little, not going camping for awhile, i'm over it!!

4-wheeler ride with dad


Nat Lud said...

She is a sweetie. Sorry she was so sick the whole time!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Hey, camping was fun! Dirty kids, caramel popcorn, and a game of Phase 10...what more could a girl ask for? Except maybe a full night's sleep :)

Granny Annie said...

So glad everyone is feeling better!...we had a great time yesterday in Cedar!...Kendra you are a little darling!...just keeps me laughing all the time! What a happy child!

Melissa said...

Camping is too much work, but fun... except when you got a sick little one.

Lindsay Cheney said...

What a bummer all that happened, but hey volleyball was a blast!
Woulnd't it be great if a little camping fairy could come and get everything ready for camping and then clean it all up afterwards (then camping would be really fun!)
Take care and I love the naked bumm!

Rachel said...

Apparently I missed all the new posts. But I am definitely not envious of your camping trip. And I agree Mom & Dad did soooo much work, so that we could all go camping, get dirty, eat hot dogs, play games, & have lots of fun. I wonder how much fun they ever had? :)

Crystal said...

camping is enough work without all this added "excitement" to it! Part hardy!!!