Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some Swimmin' Fun

I dedicate this page to my awesome mama for giving me the courage to post a picture of myself in a swimsuit. I know, I know, you can only see like a sliver of me but it's a start right? So anyway, this is obviously us swimming. Kendra wasn't real thrilled about the cold water but nothing that a little peekaboo couldn't fix.

I love taking pictures of Kendra and Miss Honey. Don't they make the cutest sisters? In their spare time they enjoy playing tug-o-war, taking walks downtown in the stroller, eating dogfood, and watching out the window for Daddy to come home. I'm not kidding either, they keep each other entertained and annoyed all day. LIFE IS GOOD!!


Steph said...

Sooo Cute. I am glad you guys are making friends and having fun.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

The swimming looks like tons of fun, and is that a new swimsuit I see you're sporting? You look awesome, and Nick is pretty handsome himself :) But, of course, Kendra has to show you two up with her natural beauty!

Nat Lud said...

I am so excited to see all these new posts! Kendra is cute as usual and MIss Honey looks great too! Looks like you guys are fitting right in around there!

Rachel said...

What do you mean brave posting pics of you in a swimsuit? I did pick the only picture I was sure you would post--since you're almost not in it. Just wait til I post the pictures of my fat self. :) But I'll be much thinner next weekend. :) :)