Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What we've been up to!

I don't really have a lot to blog about. Our day's consist of taking Honey for walks, going to the library, the park & every Wednesday we do the Farmers Market which is kind of fun. We've also been sampling the different springs around here. The locals swear by it but I'm not convinced. There are several springs downtown and they've restored all of them and made them into historical markers. Anyway - the water is naturally sweet and carbonated. I'm not sure how that's possible but it really is. The first time we tried it, we were disgusted but we tried a different spring yesterday and it wasn't so bad. People say it's great for you but it's an aquired taste.

Kendra makes this face a lot lately. It's cute until somebody stops to say hello and she throws them this look. Nick says it looks like the face Grandpa Holm makes when he teases her. Kendra is also pulling her self up to stuff & getting mobile. She can pretty much get anywhere she wants but it's still the belly crawl. She also waves to everyone we meet and can say Hi, Mama, Dada, Baba, & Num. She is so dang cute but it's really hard not being around other kids here. The only time we get to play with other kids is at church & yes we've been going. Those mormons are gonna get us if we don't watch ourselves!! Love you all and miss you more:)


Grandma 'D' said...

Yea! A new blog. I miss Kendra so much. I hope she doesn't forget us. Glad your happy and hoping the Mormons do get ya! Love you loads........Momma

Granny Annie said...

What a "cutie pie"...she has grown since you left,already! She has always known how to steal the show! I don't want to miss any of it!
Glad you are finding things to do.
We really miss you and love you very much!
Gram.& Gramp

Melissa said...

That face is hilarious! I especially L-O-V-E the one squinty eye! We miss you so much, and can't wait to see you again. Hey, we never tasted the "Springs" water when we lived there. Something to try when we visit, I guess!! Love you!!

Rachel said...

Kendra is such a doll! I love the squinty eye, too. And I wish you would have been in Colorado while I was there--but now me & Lance get to be Grandma & Grandpa's buddies. :)

Steph said...

So cute! To bad those darn mormons can't get us. You'll probably beat us to the punch after all. Ha ha. We miss you guys and Emma loves her special letter.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I just want to squeeze that cute girl! Glad you found the local library, so we can be part of the Schofieldians in Colorado :) And w/ those dang Mormons around, we'll be headed to Hawaii in no time!

Nat Lud said...

I'm so proud of the Mo-Mo's there! They can tell good material when they see it! Kendra is as adorable as ever. I am so happy you posted!