Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Anyone who wants to play...

This is Fun!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember--it can be funny, weird, awkward, random, etc.!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Grandma 'D' said...

Remember when all your friends came to pick you up for a dance and I took pics. Later to find out that they were drunk. What a dumb mom you had. I just thought that they were excited to go to the dance. You know giggly and silly. The call later that night gave it away!!!

Granny Annie said...

Gosh! I have so many good memories Crystal. It is hard to decide, so will pick one out that stands out in your life (and a few others also).
When I had the Beauty Shop on Main Street in Milford...you would come and sit for hours on end and watch me from behind me, while I did hair. You was so cute! the best little girl!....would answer the phone and go to the drugstore for treats for us all. You had the most beautiful long curls. One day you went home and decided to try out what you thought you had learned from watching! Now, it didn't end up quite the way you thought it would! By opening the sizzors wide sliding them up the back of your head you cut of you beautiful hair to the scalp. Your mom called me crying...you were her little girl with a thick, full head of hair. Well...the hair was history and we had to figure out how to pull the front hair back to cover it and make a pony tail to hold it in place over the baldness.
I'm sure your mom didn't let you see another pair of sizzors until you were 18! (hehe)!
I love you!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Crystal, Crystal, what kind of memories are you looking for? To begin, I remember chasing you around the yard trying to get you to taste my homemade mud potion...yummy :) I remember when you got yellow dye on your finger and you started crying because you thought you were going to die. And I will never forget when I ran out of my room, yelling for dad because some boogie monster was tapping on my window. Years later, I find out that it was just some friends knocking on the wrong window to sneak you out of the house. Looking back, I wish I had a little more of my sister's adventurous side :)

Lindsay Cheney said...

Crystal...we have some great ones. The funniest are for sure the bad ones when we were young and dumb partying at my house while my parents were on a cruise! We were supposed to be taking care of my 5 year old sister with the chicken pox. I wonder where she was all night? We did think we were pretty cool, though! Fun times!

Steph said...

I remember you taking my Bridal Pictures. That was so much fun
and you did such a good Job. Everytime Look at those Pictures I remember all the Fun we had. And all the fun with our announcement pictures. Mostly cuz you wouldn't let Russell drive cause he scared you too much.

LittleMissTicia(: said...

so i remember when i was little and i had to get shots but every time i did i cried. well one time you took me because my mom had to be somewhere or something like that. When we got into the office you told me that if i didnt cry you would get me a soda and a candy. I ended up not crying. thanks for them! oh yeah and your wedding where i was the flower girl and then i didnt want to leave at the end of it hahahaha!
love you crystal hope to talk to you soon.

Crystal said...

my girls are pretty sure you walk on water-my memories of you are when you play with my kids, and let thyem paint crafts (which their mom NEVER lets them do) you are so much fun!!

Yardley said...

So I remember talking to you at your mom's house when you were living with her after you had Kendra. She is so cute. I also remember talking to you about your dog and how your mom was making her stay in the basement and how you were upset at her. You are so funny.

Rachel said...

Remember when you mud wrestled with Melissa in the front yard after that big storm? And you got kind of mean because she shoved your face in the mud & you even had mud in your braces? :) Good times. Or how about when you were little & threw my ceramic clown (the one I painted that had a music box in it) on the floor & broke it--then you told mom you "accidentally dropped it." Or remember when you almost cried when you got your tongue stuck to the fudgecicle? :) :)

Grandma 'D' said...

Remember when I was talking to Mike Swanson and asked you for a glass of ice water. You brought it to me and watched me drink the whole thing and then told me you got it out of the toilet. I didn't believe you at first and then realized that you did. I cried because I couldn't believe that one of my kids could do that to me and because I thought I was going to get a parasite that would eat me from the inside out.....good times Crystal!