Thursday, April 30, 2009


If you can't tell, this is a picture of my knee (the side of it anyway).

What happened you ask? I was at the gym doing some circuit training with my BFF Shelby. All was well until I finished pumping some iron, jumped up, tried to clear a bar & obviously missed.....ouch!! I pretended to limp so I wouldn't have to run the last few laps but it didn't work, my BFF made me finish.


Rachel said...

Ow! That looks like it might have hurt a little bit! Your BFF, Jillian, I mean Shelby, is one mean trainer. ;)

Granny Annie said...

Sorry about your knee...looks like it is sore, but just goes to show you are one tough chick!!! Keep up the good work.
Love ya!

Melissa said...

I would totally quit working out... too dangerous.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Wish I was there to see this "smooth move." And I wouldn't have made you run anymore laps that I'm totally your BFF ;)

Nat Lud said...

I'm totally with Lynette--wish I would've seen the graceful move in action! he he. Sounds like you and Shelby are going to be bathing beauties this summer with all this working out!

Grandma 'D' said...

No pain, No Gain....And I mean that in every sense of the word...GAIN. Keep it up, you are looking awesome!

Shelby said...

OK I need to defend myself I didn't know it was that bad she didn't make it seem like she was that hurt. The reason she had to run is because she made me run all the ones before. This is the first I am hearing about the bruise.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Shelby, I just LOVE you! Wish I could bribe you and Crystal back here to Cedar, but then we'd just be at my house eating cookie dough and lounging at the pool ;)

Crystal said...

Sometimes it hurts to be beautiful! Your lookin' AWESOME!! Keep it up :)