Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Poor Nick

This last Friday, Nick had a stomach ache that turned out to be appendicitis. He got to the ER around 3am, got his first pain killer at 8am, and finally went into surgery at 12:30pm. During surgery, his general forman called his cell phone & left a message explaining that he was laid off (no kidding). Then the night he got home, Kendra got the flu.....bad! He helped me as much as he could & I made sure we washed hands & sanitized everything we could. Well, it didn't work and Nick got it the next day. I can't imagine how awful it felt to puke his guts out with a new incision but he didn't complain once. I was feeling left out (hey I like attention) so I came down with it about 45 minutes after Nick. We recovered for a day & then packed our crap & got the hell out of dodge. Now we're headed down south for some family time & excited for a little vacation.

Kendra decorated Daddies feet at the hospital.............whatever keeps her busy.

My 2 sick babies.


Grandma 'D' said...

Oh both babies are so cute when they are sleeping. Glad everyone is doing better and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Luv ya

Steph said...

Oh that really is the sadest thing i've ever heard. Puking witha fresh wound. Yikes i couldn't even turn over in bed after my gall bladder. Tell him he is soo tough. And give Kendra a kiss for me.

LuDLoW LiFe said...

That just sucks... Hope you guys are feeling better! Kendra looks nothing like her daddy! He he

Whitney said...

Glad he survived. I have a picture just like the first one on this post but its of Sam at the ER when he got his appendix out. Its on my very first post on my blog. Our poor husbands. :)

Josi said...

He really didn't complain? Not even once. Did he not grow up with the same paternal example I did? Weird.

Glad you guys are all feeling better--sorry about the lay off, but at least he can get well rested!

While you're life is once again up in the air, I'd love to schedule a family picture! Will you let me know the next time you're coming up to Salt Lake?

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I LOVE the pic of daddy and daughter sleeping. It's pretty precious minus the being sick and all. Hope all the Schofieldians are feeling better because it's party time in Cedar!

Granny Annie said...

So sad...all the sickness, but glad everyone is feeling much better!...Excited to see you when you get to Milford this afternoon!
Love you all!

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

Wow, I can't even imagine. I was so scared when Jeep got his appendix out - I'm not sure why it freaked me out, but it did. And to put the flu on top of that. WOW, again! And your motherhood post was so good. I loved how she rubbed your back - what a cutie! Hang in there and keep us all updated!

Crystal said...

poor kids :( at least they didn't leave you out--no fun being odd man out! I am glad you have all recovered and hope things work out good!