Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Fraggle Rock is going to the big screen!! It's my all time favorite cartoon & I just read that they're making a movie with all the original puppets. I can't wait to take Kendra & drag Nick along with us. Hope you're all as excited as I am!!


The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I heard the news! I almost peed my pants with excitement. It won't take much to talk me & Jase into going with you, but Dustin is another story :)

Nat Lud said...

How funny! I totally remember this show.

Melissa said...

"Laugh your cares away ... worries for another day ..."
We watch the Fraggles almost everyday, over and over again. I'm not sure I can handle a full length movie, but I'm sure I will have to take my little Fraggle-maniac! (Neeley, not Brian.)