Friday, October 17, 2008

Colorado's smartest deer!

IF I WERE A DEER & IT WAS HUNTING SEASON? I would hang out on someone's front lawn too. So on our way to the pumpkin patch, we ran across these bucks. This house is on a really busy street so we took these pictures while driving. There were three bucks together, all of them about the same size.
Nick has a tag for southern utah but we're not going. It's this time of year that we really miss being home. There's nothing like the mountains - hunting, jeep rides, sitting around the campfire and being with family. This apprenticeship is a lot harder than we thought but I think it will be worth it in the end. All you deer hunters out there - HAVE SOME FUN & GOOD LUCK WITH FINDING THAT TIRTY POINT BUCK!


Melissa said...

Don't feel bad . . . we don't get to go hunting either, and I have a tag! I guess a deer tag for a baby is a fair trade. Love you guys!

Granny Annie said...

We must say....these pictures are real trophies! Beautiful!
Wish you could be here to for the deer hunt, but eventually like you said, "it will all be worth the sacrifices".
We love and miss you!
Grandpa and Grandma

Whitney said...

Sam's not going this year either and he misses it too. Oh, and in response to your comment on my last post I only have 8 inches of counter space too! Yay for small living spaces. Funny thing is I showed Sam the picture of the intestines and he said they looked gross and that he wasn't interested in eating them. Haha. Who knew?

Nat Lud said...

How funny. I'm sure the folks here in Utah are drooling right now!

Rachel said...

I can't say that I really want to go hunting or camping right now, but I do miss all the family fun. And hang in there, you only have, what--3 more years? :)

Crystal said...

HA! Crazy!!

Ahhhh-you changed your background AGAIN?! Someone has the internet and too much time!! Seriously cute though ;)

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Smart deer. Sorry you missed the deer hunt because we really missed the Schofieldians. Love ya.